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DPS Factory Training

Whether you're new to our equipment or you've used it for years, DPS factory training is the best way to get more from your monitoring.

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Learn More About DPS Client Services, Assistance, and Training

Whether you're new to DPS Telecom network monitoring equipment or you've used it for years, DPS factory training is the best way to get more from your monitoring - a practical, hands-on course where you'll learn from the same engineers and technicians who designed and built your network reliability management system.

New Training Program Completely Revised and Improved by Client Input to Be More Focused on Your Real-World Monitoring Tasks

If you want to make sure you're doing everything you can to safeguard your network reliability, you need to go to a DPS Telecom Factory Training Event. It's the quickest, easiest, and surest way to learn how to use your DPS equipment to the fullest from Day 1. This is training that will immediately pay you back in enhanced staff efficiency, better network reliability, longer uptime, and increased revenue.

"It's excellent, presented in the right way and tailored to the needs of the class."

- Bill Speck, 3 Rivers Telephone

And there's no better time to attend factory training than right now! The training course has been completely revised based on client input, with updated materials, more hands-on activities, and a greater focus on your specific needs.

Here are some of the ways that client feedback has improved DPS Telecom factory training:

More Focused On Client's Specific Needs

All the improvements that have been made in the factory training curriculum have been based on consultation with clients who have experienced earlier training courses. We asked them what they liked, and what they didn't like, about the training. We asked them which features of DPS products they use most. We asked them what they most wanted to learn about network reliability management.

The result is a training course that is tightly focused on your specific, real-world monitoring tasks. We've added more material on the applications most want to know about - like ASCII alarm processing, creating a curriculum built around the product features, monitoring technologies, and network management techniques that you use most.

More Hands-On Activities

When we asked clients what they liked best about factory training, the overwhelming response was that they most appreciated a chance to work hands-on with monitoring equipment in a safe, offline environment. On the job, you can't take your essential T/Mon LNX system offline to experiment with ASCII templates - but you can in DPS's fully equipped training laboratory.

So we added even more hands-on components to the factory training course. Working directly with the equipment you'll use in the NOC and in the field, you'll get a chance to test applications in the lab before you implement them in the field.

"Actually getting to touch it and play with the equipment at training was a real benefit for me. Now, when I go back, I can feel comfortable setting up the TMON based on what I've learned here."

- Gary Schattschneider, Arvig Communications

Plus we've added additional classroom exercises in which your DPS instructor will guide you, step-by-step, through T/Mon LNX databasing and configuration, while you follow along on your own machine. So when you go back to your job, you'll know your TMon system with the kind of confidence you only get from hands-on experience.

Improved Training Materials and Documentation

You'll learn a lot at DPS factory training: databasing alarms, provisioning remotes, configuring and operating control relays, alarm monitoring techniques, industry best practices, and valuable expert tips on troubleshooting.

In fact, it's so much material that it became an essential need to provide full documentation of the curriculum so clients could better take away what they learned and apply it at work. The new factory training course includes a complete Factory Training Resource and Reference Kit, covering every section of the training course.

The Factory Training Resource and Reference Kit includes a reference to the most often used features of T/Mon LNX, complete documentation of DPS remotes, and other resources, including white papers on industry best practices and network monitoring issues. It's an invaluable reference that you'll want to keep handy and consult often - and it's just one more bonus of factory training.

"DPS Factory Training really was the best training class I've been to in my telecom career."

- Mary Steffen, National Grid

More Opportunities to Give Your Feedback on DPS Training and Products

Client input was essential to improving the factory training curriculum, and more client input will be needed to make the training even better. So the DPS factory training experience includes ample opportunities to give your opinion about DPS Telecom products, service, and training.

Before training starts, you'll be asked to complete a pre-training client questionnaire to help us understand your needs better and tailor the class to what you want to learn. During the training, your instructor and other DPS personnel will be listening to your suggestions about improving the course and DPS network monitoring products.

And after your training course has ended, we want to hear how well it worked for you. Were you able to use what you learned on your job? What improvements in the training would you like to see? Is there any way we can make the training more valuable, more helpful, more massively impactful for you?

If you've ever wanted a particular feature - or wished that a DPS product would do one more thing - a DPS Factory Training Event is your opportunity to make it happen. You're an active partner in improving this training program and all DPS products, and your help will make continuous improvement possible.

You'll also get a chance to know us better, by touring our complete manufacturing facilities, meeting and working with DPS Telecom engineers and technicians.

Plus, you'll be able to work with professional colleagues from around the world. You'll be able to share your best tips on network monitoring practices - and learn others' field-tested best practices.

"In my career, I have never come across a company so thorough and knowledgeable about the products they offer."

- Rich Landers, Constant Power Technologies

What Clients Are Saying About the New Factory Training Course

The new training curriculum has been tested and improved at our past Factory Training Events, which produced some of the highest reports of client satisfaction ever in the DPS factory training program.

"This training is a big help in not feeling intimidated by your network monitoring system," said Bill Speck of 3 Rivers Telephone, who attended December factory training. "It's excellent, presented in the right way, and tailored to the needs of the class."

And George Black, vice president of engineering for Advantel, e-mailed us to say: "It was a very positive business and personal experience attending your four-day product training class. It's rare to see manufacturing staff, including the company founders, genuinely concerned about getting feedback on how their products perform, coupled with a keen interest in improving their products."

Click here for upcoming factory training event details and registration