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"Video: Factory Training with Free Tuition for Qualified Professionals..."

Learn about this hands-on 4-day course. DPS Factory Training is the best way maximize the value of your network monitoring investment. Learn more about the training course in this video, which is tuition-free for qualified professionals...

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"The training here has been the most hands-on training that I've gone through in a long time. Most manufacturers, they hand you a book, they stand up there and talk to you a while, they give you a tour. Here you get the whole thing, it's very hands-on..."
- Rick S., Project Manager

Hi. This is Andrew with DPS TV. Today, you're getting an inside look at the factory training courses offered right here at DPS. You've just heard from one of our many clients who've attended these comprehensive training classes.

During this video, you'll get a peek at the DPS training facilities, learn about the topics covered, hear from other class participants, and meet your instructors. For more, we turn you over now to Carina-your factory training hostess, live from the classroom.

Hi, Andrew. I'm here in the DPS classroom during preparation for another factory training class, coming up in just a few days. As you can see, this is the setup phase for the live equipment the students will be working with. Using live DPS gear offers students the best opportunity for hands-on learning.

And here we've got a training instructor, Travis Mock, who's going to be telling us all about Factory Training at DPS Telecom.

"So Travis, tell us a little more about yourself and your role here at DPS..." - Carina

"Well, I've been with DPS for 3 years now and I do many things here. I, of course, do factory training. I also do tech support, so I'm helping clients over the phone. Several times I've been out and helped clients on installs and training out there also. I also do product documentation and work with the engineering department..." - Travis

"So it sounds like you're pretty involved with all sorts of DPS products. How does DPS Factory Training classes differ from everybody else?" - Carina

"Well, DPS Factory Training is very involved. We get the clients' invlved, hands-on. We definitely attend to their needs..." - Travis

"Wow. So it sounds like each class can be pretty customized depending on the needs of the class. What would you say to someone who's watching and maybe doesn't have the budget for this? Why should clients consider sending their techs out here for training?" - Carina

"Well, there are a couple of reasons, really. The tuition is free for qualified professionals. Here in the classroom, we have relatively small classroom sizes. So if any clients have any questions or anything like that, we can stop class. And if the questions are further in-depth, we can always meet afterwards. And get in-depth and work directly with the products they're working with to solve their problems and let them know possible other solutions for them..." - Travis

"So, it sounds like there's even a few perks to coming to factory training. Are there any others?" - Carina

"Factory training is nice because clients get to step inside our building and see exactly what it is that we can do to help them. They get to come out and see exactly how DPS operates. They get to meet engineering staff, production department, everybody here at DPS. And find out exactly what it is that we do to help them make their lives easier..." - Travis

"Alright, thank you so much Travis. I'll let you get back to setting up the classroom..." - Carina

And now you know why you need to come to DPS for training, lets get a peek at what you can expect. Lets go back to Andrew in the studio, and he can tell us all about the class curriculum.

Thanks, Carina. Each day of Factory Training is dedicated to a different topic, so lets go over those now.

On day one, you'll learn all about the T/Mon NOC Master Station. You'll see Edit mode, which is about setting up and editing your T/Mon Database. And Monitor mode, where you'll monitor alarms. You'll also be introduced to T/GFX, the graphical map interface.

Day 2 is all about the NetGuardian. Our instructors will show you how to wire up and install your RTUs, database your alarm point, and access the unit in many different ways.

Day 3 is dedicated to ASCII. You'll learn how to use T/Mon to break down incoming text messages into usable alarms. You'll end the day with a fully hands-on exercise. Even if you're brand new to ASCII, you'll be surprised how much you'll take away from it.

To wrap things up, we'll cover SNMP and a little more about GFX on day 4. During the SNMP lesson, you'll study MIBs and their structure, as well as the SNMP capabilities of DPS remotes and T/Mon. After this class, you'll be fully capable of using DPS gear.

Those of you watching this might be asking yourself, "Well, what if I've already been to training. What's in it for me?" There's something here for everyone here at DPS.

We've got a special advanced class session coming up just for you power users. If you've attended training before, you're eligible for this special 3-day class. We'll be covering topics like Auto-SNMP, advanced ASCII concepts, derived alarms, and anything else you'd like to discuss. This course only happens once a year, so you'll want to book your seat ASAP.

Right after this class is the annual T/Mon Users Group, where you'll share your ideas on the next evolution of T/Mon.

Here are the upcoming dates for Factory Training, the advanced training class, and the T/Mon Users Group. You've got a class from July 20th to the 23rd, August 31st to September 3rd. The advanced class is on October 5th to the 7th. Immediately followed by the T/Mon Users Group on October 8th and 9th. Finally, the last class in 2009 is from November 16th to 19th.

Now that you know what factory training is all about. You might want to know what it's really like to attend. I can tell you how great this class is. But don't take my word for it, here's what other clients are saying about training at DPS Telecom.

"Overall I think, anybody that's looking into working an alarm system, that it's very useful..."
- Fred S., Project Manager

"Instructors practical application knowledge was crucial. And it was a very well instructed course. A very good course..."
- Kevin T., CO Operations

"I thought the training was very good. The instructors were excellent. I learned a lot about the products. Not only the ones we do have, but also the ones we don't have. So we know about things to look at and say, 'you know that can really help us and save us some money somewhere in monitoring costs'. So the biggest take away is that we have the knowledge we need to go back and look at our network and how it's going to apply in our environment..."
- Doug P., Paging