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This guidebook has been created to give you the information you need to successfully implement SNMP-based alarm monitoring in your network.

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Alarm Monitoring Solutions from DPS Telecom

Previous Page: MIB White Paper: NetMediator T2S
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Alarm Monitoring Masters


T/Mon NOC: Full-featured alarm master for up to
1 million alarm points. Features support for 25 protocols, protocol mediation, alarm forwarding, pager and email alarm notification, Web Browser access, multi-user access, standing alarm list, alarm history logging.


T/Mon SLIM: Light capacity regional alarm master. Supports up to 64 devices and 7,500 alarm points. Features pager and email alarm notification, Web Browser access, standing alarm list and alarm history logging.

Remote Telemetry Units

NG 832A

NetGuardian 832A: RTU (Remote Telemetry Unit) monitors 32 alarm points, 8 analog inputs, 8 control relays, 32 ping targets, 8 terminal server ports; reports to any SNMP manager, T/Mon NOC or T/Mon LT.

NG 215

NetGuardian 216: RTU (Remote Telemetry Unit) monitors 16 alarm points, 2 analog inputs, 2 control relays, 1 terminal server port; reports to any SNMP manager, T/Mon NOC or T/Mon LT.

RAB 176N

Remote Alarm Block 176N: Wire-wrap alarm block monitors 176 alarm points, 4 controls; reports to any SNMP manager, T/Mon NOC or T/Mon LT.

NG 480

NetGuardian 480: RTU (Remote Telemetry Unit) monitors 80 alarm points, 4 control relays; reports to any SNMP manager,
TL1 master, T/Mon NOC or T/Mon LT.

3 SNMP RTUs (Remote Telemetry Units) to Fit Your Spec

The NetGuardian RTU (Remote Telemetry Unit) family scales to fit your needs.

NetGuardian 832A

Full-featured NetGuardian 832A:

• 32 discretes, 32 pings, 8 analogs and 8 controls.
• 8 terminal server serial ports.
• NEBS Level 3 certified.
• Dial-up backup.
• Web browser interface.
• Pager and email notification.
• Dual -48 VDC, -24 VDC or 110 AC.
• 1 RU for 19" or 23" rack.

NetGuardian 480

Heavy-duty NetGuardian 480

• 80 discretes, 4 controls.
• Dual -48 VDC.
• 1 RU for 19" or 23" rack.

NetGuardian 216

Economical NetGuardian 216.

• 16 discretes, 2 analogs, 2 controls.
• 1 terminal server serial port.
• Single or dual -48VDC or 110 VAC.
• 2 compact form factors for rack or wall mount.

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