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Alarm Master Choice: T/Mon NOC

Previous Page: Monitoring Fundamentals: (COS)Alarm List
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T/Mon NOC has many features to make your alarms more meaningful, including:

1. Detailed, plain English alarm descriptions include severity, location and date/time stamp.

2. Immediate notification of COS alarms, including new alarms and alarms that have cleared

3. Standing alarm list is continuously updated.

4. Text message windows displaying specific instructions for the appropriate action for an alarm.

5. Nuisance alarm filtering, allowing your staff to focus its attention on serious threats.

6. Pager and email notifications sent directly to maintenance personnel, even if they're away from the NOC.

7. Derived alarms and controls that combine and correlate data from multiple alarm inputs and automatically control remote site equipment to correct complex threats.

For more information, check out T/Mon on the Web at

If It Prints, You Can Monitor It

Why is ASCII alarm processing so great? First, it's a simple way to get useful information from nearly any transport gear. If it prints, you can monitor it. Second ... how many times have you been woken up by an alarm page at 3 A.M.? Wouldn't you like to know if you really have to go to the remote site - or if you can safely go back to bed?

ASCII alarms give you detailed reports on the condition of your equipment, isolating problems right down to the level of what shelf and what card need repairs.

T/Mon NOC Makes ASCII Usable
T/Mon NOC's ASCII Alarm Processor Software Module scans ASCII text for alarm messages and converts them to standard T/Mon alarms.

Once an ASCII alarm is acquired, you can use it with any of T/Mon's advanced features: automatic pager and email notification, automatic alarm correction responses and more.

T/Mon Can Monitor All Your Equipment

Most alarm monitoring systems support only one protocol or one kind of device. T/Mon isn't limited like that.

T/Mon supports over 20 protocols, including SNMP, TL1, ASCII, E2A, TBOS, TABS, MODBUS and even proprietary protocols like Badger, Larse, NEC, Pulsecom and more. T/Mon monitors your whole network on just one screen.

T/Mon gives you capabilities you can't get from separate, isolated systems:

• Know absolutely, 100% for certain if you have an alarm

• Monitor every essential piece of equipment in your network

• Correlate alarms across your entire network

• Simplify training, maintenance and databasing

Next Page: Monitoring Fundamentals: Why You Need a Real Alarm Master
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