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Receive Alarm Notifications and Monitor Alarms Directly From Your Remote

Receive Alarm Notifications and Monitor Alarms Directly From Your Remote
NetGuardian 832A Email Notification Web Browser Interface Pager Notification

You Don't Need a Master to See What the NetGuardian Sees

The NetGuardian 832A is a comprehensive tool for monitoring your remote site, including options for monitoring alarms directly through the RTU, bypassing the need for a master.

The NetGuardian can send alarm notifications via pager and e-mail directly to personnel, whether they're in their office or in the field. Or you can browse to the NetGuardian from any web browser on any computer, giving you easy access to alarm data from anywhere, without using specialized software.

What the NetGuardian's Stand-Alone Monitoring Capabilities Can Do For You

The built-in notification and alarm monitoring capabilities of the NetGuardian several useful applications:

  • The NetGuardian can be a complete, all-in-one network monitoring solution - ideal for small networks where a full network management system would be a needless expense.
  • Pager notifications, e-mail notifications, and web browser monitoring provide an alternate method of maintaining network visibility if your master fails.
  • The NetGuardian can add advanced notification capabilities to networks where an embedded TL1 master or SNMP manager do not support them.
  • Sending pager and e-mail notifications directly from the NetGuardian is a convenient way of filtering alarms so they are sent directly to the personnel responsible for the site.

Pager Notifications

Maintenance technicians need network visibility in the field to rapidly respond to network integrity threats. The NetGuardian's pager notifications bring up-to-the-minute information about network problems directly to the maintenance personnel who can immediately correct them. The NetGuardian includes full support for alphanumeric paging, so you can automatically send detailed notifications and instructions to alphanumeric pagers, cell phones, and PDAs.

E-Mail Notification

Senior supervisors don't have the time to monitor alarms from the NOC, but they need to stay informed of network events. E-mail notification lets busy managers know what's going on with their networks and provides an easily accessible alarm record. The familiar e-mail interface provides network visibility to everyone without the need for specialized training. And with e-mail notifications, alarms can be acknowledged simply by sending a reply e-mail.

Web Browser Interface

Many people in your organization need access to alarm monitoring data, and not all of them are in your network operations center. The NetGuardian's Web Browser interface lets personnel view and acknowledge alarms from any computer on your network. With the Web Browser interface, you're not tied to proprietary monitoring consoles to control your system, supervisors have instant access to monitoring information from their desktops, and it's easy to rotate monitoring staff at different locations.

System security for multiple users is guaranteed. The system administrator can create a individual security profile for each user, allowing precise control of user access. For each user you can limit what alarms may be viewed, which alarms may be acknowledged, which controls and system commands may be issued, and what modifications may be made to the system configuration.

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